The Braw Bride of the Barras

June 27, 2020

A day in my life as I reminisce over conducting a wonderful wedding ceremony that was to be a walk down memory lane in the heart of the Glasgow Barrowlands.

I recently received an email to let me know that a wedding I officiated at in September of last year, had been featured in the Braw Brides blog. This was a really exciting thing to see and moved me to take the fine opportunity of sharing it with you. 

I do this for many reasons but mainly because this kind of work brings me a huge amount of joy, love, happiness and excitement and I feel like I am truly making a difference in the day of each and every couple I get a chance to meet. 
Also – isn’t it a wonderful thing to be able to see the story of a whole day unravel?? To bask in the joy that must’ve been shared and felt on that very day by all who were in attendance.

I have been fortunate enough to travel the length and breadth of Scotland both in this capacity and in a Storytelling capacity and I can say again and again and again - Scotland is an amazing country for weddings. 

You can only imagine how excited I was then when I was asked to conduct a ceremony in The Famous Glasgow Barrowlands for this incredibly hip couple! 

I have very fond memories of visiting Rita’s fashions in the Barras as a child, with my mum, picking up fresh fish and all other sorts of delights, whilst wandering through the streets looking at all of the things people didn’t need or want anymore. Piles and piles of memorabilia just waiting for my inventive brain to make up stories to attach to them. The atmosphere was amazing back then and the people and their street-life taught me many lessons about what it is to be human, to be alive and to be kicking it up with gusto and gratitude and with the life that’s in me.

On the day of the wedding, the banter on entering the venue had its own kind of electricity as I stopped to speak to a man dealing in bikes of every kind. The sun was blazing and the feeling of love, humour and family connection around me as I stepped inside was and still is something I will always care to remember.

This is the poem that was woven into the script for Laura and Mike and it was perfect for them.

You can see all of the photos by the very talented Martin Venherm at the link below and you can contact Martin here:

All that I am

You’re my mussel
my clam
my words 
my yarn.

My wool
my cloth
my sweet, 
fragile moth.

You’re my north 
and my south
my body, 
my mouth.

My day 
and my night,
my dark 
and my light.

My waking
my sleep;
the thoughts
I hold deep.

You’re my freedom
my plight
my flee 
and my fight.

You’re the reason
I’m here.
You’re my hope 
year on year.

You are mine
and I’m yours
as a matter 
of course.

You’re my storm
and my calm.
I woman, 
you man.

You are all 
that I am.
We’re both part of 
this plan.

- Maria Cairnie

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