A little poetry, song, literature, art and creativity every day always helps me to keep my levels of happiness and joy in check, especially during times of stress.
I'm a very social creature so when we are all told to stay indoors to keep safe - I want to shout out loud 'Come out' but in shouting this I ask you to do it in your thoughts, kind words, the things you will share with each other over the coming days - although I'd love to see you all in person - alas it is not to be - so here is my wee offering to you all:
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
from your wood-holes,
from under your stars.
Release your sea-cloaks,
your mountainous thoughts,
lie under dark skies
voluminous dots.
Each sand grain,
each moon stir,
each leaf drop
you are.
So - Come out!
Come! Come out!
Wherever you are.
– Maria Cairnie
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